



Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles con Corona

Eh ayudado al Dr. Brian Burton en traducir su Libro de Corona: 'Beginning Mobile App Development with Corona SDK' en Espanol.

Autopost Blog to Facebook with Networkedblogs

This is just a simple test I'm trying out to see if my blog posts get automatically 'grabbed' and posted by networkedblogs

MuraCon 2012

I attended MuraCon2012 in Washington, D.C. and it was awesome!

Denver Trifecta

I'll be speaking at Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta.

GameDev Workshop

Have you ever wanted to build a game but don't know how?

CoronaSDK Ambassador

Yep...I am now an Ambassador.

jquery mobile dynamic page refresh with load method

There's been some sample codes that show how to refresh a section of a jquery mobile page after adding HTML dynamically to jquery mobile using the load's my take on it.

Scroll Moving Clouds

There's been some sample codes that show how to scroll backgrounds with corona, but I think this is the simplest I found.

Jquery autocomplete with Coldfusion

Well, I was in need of this little snippet and needed to come up with a way that I could use tag based plus some additional features.

Game dims after a while

Last year I was having some issues with a game I was prototyping while learning Corona/Lua in which my game was dimming due to lack of device interactivity.

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